Biophoton is a total brand of products equipped with a nanotechnology material called PDP,
which is an international patented substance.
No. 1 company in body temperature and health! BioPhoton
CEO Greeting
Thank you very much for visiting Biophoton.
In the modern era of the 21st century, living in the age of knowledge and information, the advancement of science and technology has improved the quality of life. However, most people find it challenging to avoid factors threatening health, such as environmental pollution, stress, chemical additives in food, and lack of exercise. Despite the remarkable progress in modern medicine, the number of patients continues to increase, and many individuals neglect health management until they are afflicted with illness, often lacking proper knowledge of health care.
While essential elements for life activities include air, water, and food, the most crucial factor for humans to live healthily is maintaining an appropriate body temperature. It is said that a 1°C decrease in body temperature leads to a 30% reduction in immune function, while a 1°C increase enhances immunity by more than five times.
Our goal at Biophoton is to "create a world without disease, where all citizens of South Korea maintain a body temperature of 36.5°C throughout the year." We have developed products containing PDP(Platinum Diamond Photon), the optimal health energy substance of the 21st century, with the most effective temperature-increasing effect, verified through various clinical experiments.
PDP has been recognized for its efficacy through clinical data from Dr. Mamdooh Ghoneum, a global authority in immunology (Professor of Immunology, Cell Physiology, and Anatomy at UCLA). The effectiveness has been acknowledged by the International Institute of Anticancer Research (IIAR).
The main cause of adult diseases and the root of many illnesses begin with chills due to low body temperature. Adult diseases are considered equivalent to a home wrecker, robbing not only one's own life but also the happiness of one’s family.
We sincerely hope that Biophoton actively contributes to improving the health of our customers, allowing everyone to enjoy a happy life
BioPhoton CEO Seungyong ParkHow to Get Here
Headquarters: Room 307, Ace High-End Tower 3rd, 145, Gasan Digital 1-ro, Geumcheon-gu, Seoul, Korea / Showroom 206-1